If you are reading this, it is because you are one of the people that I love, a lot :) I'm making this blog for you, and you alone. I want to be as up close and personal as possible on this thing...and I think by keeping it smallish, I will be able to do that more easily.
This is my first blog ever. Woohoo! It was much easier than expected to set this thing up, and for that I am grateful. I'm very much lacking in internet/technology savy-ness (word?), but so far, I think I've got the hang of this blog thing. My goal is to use this blog, first of all to process all that I am experiencing. Second of all, it is to help keep me connected to you, though I will be half way around the world. That is the thing that i am most sad/nervous about, is leaving everyone that I love so dearly behind. Hence, the blog. Hopefully it will serve its purpose well. I guess that is up to me, huh? I will do my best to write in here at least fairly regularly. Fingers crossed.
So, for right now, I continue to be in limbo, while I wait for my journey to Korea. I'm living at home in Rockford, Illinois with my family, and am enjoying it immensely! I have been doing a lot of sorting, tossing (greatly reducing the amt. of belongings that I own, which feels great), sleeping, world cup watching, weeding (which happens to be incredibly difficult. Or maybe its not, i'm just in BAD shape! Walking has been a challenge as a result ) and spending time with family and friends. This past weekend we had a garage sale, and I was recruited to help man that. It was a lot of work, but really successful and fun too!
The original plan was to leave for S. Korea today, June 25. However, due to how fast this whole process has been with me graduating only a month ago (we couldn't start the visa process until after I had proof that I had graduated) combined with some visa complications, my departure date has been postponed to July 3. Which gives me a little more time to get things ready on this end. And that is nice! The problem is that because I am arriving a week later than anticipated, the guy that I am replacing who was supposed to give me a brief (3 day) training will already be back in England. So, now I will arrive Sunday night and begin teaching monday morning! Who needs training anyways? I'm trying to see this as an adventure and not be too thrown off by the complications/delays. I'm sure I could use prayer for my initial adjustment there...and that I will be coherent for my students!
Ok. Well, that's all for now. I am excited about this new blog! I want to hear from you all too! Please write/leave comments/facebook post or message me. I want to know about your lives too.
much love,